Stew icon
An independent package manager for compiled binaries
Get started
Available for macOS, Linux, and Windows

Install from GitHub and URLs
Get the latest releases ahead of other package managers and rapidly experiment with different projects. No need for sudo!
Image of stew installing a package
Use a Stewfile to transfer your list of binaries and their versions across different systems and CPU architectures.
Image of a Stewfile
Even though stew attempts to use sensible defaults, users can still configure where to install binaries, where to store application data, and more!
Image of a stew config output
Reproducible headless installs
Headlessly reproduce exact installs using the Stewfile.lock.json file that stew automatically creates and updates.
Image of a Stewfile.lock.json file
Private repositories
Easily install binaries from internal teams and private repositories by setting a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.
Image of a .zshrc file
Stew itself is just a single binary with 0 runtime dependencies. Stew can be installed using package managers, using Go, or by downloading the stew binary.
Image of stew install methods